Understanding the VIPER Architecture Pattern for iOS App Development

Mehmet Ali Demir
3 min readFeb 7, 2023


The structures used in the development of mobile applications are increasing day by day. Among these structures, VIPER is one of the most popular architecture patterns.

What is VIPER Architecture?

VIPER is a commonly used architectural pattern in the development of iOS applications, similar to MVC or MVVM. It consists of many components such as View, Presenter, Interactor, Entity, and Router. Each component is responsible for a specific part of the application and provides better code organization and testability.

VIPER enables the application to have a modular structure. This makes it easier to understand, organize, and maintain the application. Additionally, it ensures proper communication between the components of the application and enables developers to develop the application faster and more efficiently.

What are the VIPER components?

It is divided into five components: View, Interactor, Presenter, Entity, and Router.

Viper Architecture

View: This component is responsible for creating the visual interface of the application.

Interactor: This component provides the data processing functionalities of the application.

Presenter: This component manages the data flow between the Interactor and the View.

Entity: This component includes the data models of the application.

Router: This component manages the screen transitions of the application.

Each component defines the data flow and functionalities of the application, and the role of each component is clearly defined. This enables developers to develop the application faster and more efficiently and makes the application easier to understand.


  1. Defining Modules: Modules are defined that determine the functionalities and data flow of the application. Each module consists of four components: a View, a Presenter, an Interactor, and a Router.
  2. Defining Data Flow: The data flow of the application is defined. The data flow is a process that flows from the View to the Interactor, from the Interactor to the Presenter, and from the Presenter to the Router.
  3. Creating Components: Components are created for the defined modules. The data flow between components is defined, and communication between the components is established.
  4. Creating the Application: The application is created using the defined modules and components. The modularity of the application makes it more understandable and testable.

The usage of VIPER involves defining the modules that determine the data flow and functionalities of the application, defining the data flow, creating the components, and creating the application in a step-by-step manner.

VIPER Foldering Example

What are the advantages of using VIPER?

  • Modular Structure: Thanks to the modules that define the functionalities and data flow of the application, the application becomes more understandable and testable.
  • Flexibility: Thanks to its modular structure, the application becomes more flexible and scalable. The data flow and communication between modules can be easily changed.
  • Testability: The modular structure of the application allows each component to be tested separately, increasing the quality and performance of the application.
  • Fast Development: The modular structure of the application enables faster development. Developers can easily determine the application’s functionalities and data flow, and can quickly change the data flow between components.

What are the disadvantages of using VIPER?

  • Complex Structure: VIPER involves more classes and files compared to other architectural patterns, which can make it harder to understand the code. This complexity can be increased in small projects.
  • Code Repetition: Due to using the same patterns for each screen, VIPER may require repeating the same code over and over again.
  • Performance Issues: In large and complex applications, if the data flow and communication between modules are not properly defined, performance issues may arise.

As a summary, VIPER is a powerful and scalable architectural pattern for developing iOS applications. It enables developers to separate their responsibilities, write clean code, and facilitate maintenance and testing. Although it is more complex than MVC or MVVM, it offers many advantages for large-scale projects. If you want to develop your iOS application in an organized and efficient way, you may consider using VIPER.


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